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  1. What is Qlarity AI

  2. Is Qlarity Reports agnostic to hardware, and OS

  3. What kind of data files can be uploaded

  4. Does it use NLP for language recognition

  5. What kind of questions are answered

  6. How can I create and export a presentation

  7. What are other export features

  8. what is the dashboard and how can one add more charts

  9. What future upgrades are expected

  10. How to create and edit users


  1. Qlarity AI is a smart interface to ask questions of your database, in plain English, and get powerpoint slides printed with charts and insights.

  2. Yes, it’s a SaaS based solution and works on any browser and OS. The build platform is .NET and it can work with any RDBMS with customization. ‘SaaS’ is short for ‘Software as a Service’ which means a service on a centralized and remote server that anyone anywhere can access with login credentials.

  3. Currently, CSV/Txt files or connections to MS SQL server databases are supported. More database connectivity options like Oracle and MySQL will be released soon.

  4. Yes, the key feature is a search box where one can ask for data trends/charts in simple English like ‘whats the sales by region or channel’

  5. Wide array of questions and supporting chart types are supported. Common features available – monthly or weekly trends, filter by any category type, distribution and scatter charts for numerical data.

  6. Once you ask a query and have a chart, simply click the ‘Export PPT’ button to get a Powerpoint slide with your chart. Note that you will have the option to select a PPT template, and this template can be customized per your company standards.

  7. Export features include powerpoint, PDF, and image formats like JPG and PNG.

  8. The dashboard is where you can save your queries and charts so they remain saved across sessions. On the dashboard you can also export all these charts to powerpoint or other formats available.

  9. Some important upgrades in pipeline are universal DB connectivity, machine learning and predictive analytics, and common operators for new metrics or dimensions.

  10. Create a new user from the Admin screen (need Admin credentials), and fill in the form. This will send out an email to the user with their access credentials.

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